S*GoodNews Abessinier

Uppfödare av abessinier sedan 2001

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We love you so much, Papageno ❤

Today, Papageno met his new human mom and dad Aurelia and Martin for the second time ❤ and it was magic.

We are so happy to have found such a loving family for our favourite boy. For a long time, we were thinking about keeping him in the breeding programme just because of his amazing fawn colour and ticking aaand super-duper temperament. But when we met Aurelia and Martin we knew he would have such a good life with them ?

Papageno will move to his new human mom and dad in the end of April ?

Cover girl

IC Abystyle’s Ma Demoiselle JW, aka Nour, is covering the frontpage of Labyrinten. (The membership magzine of Aby & Somaliringen.)

We are very happy about this! Nour is a fawn coloured Abyssinian, which is the least common of the four basic colours of the Abyssinian.

At the Fife World Cat Show 2017 she was awarded  Best in Variant, which means she was the judge’s best fawn aby!

She also has the title Fife Junior Winner, which means that she was awarded Best in Show five times before the age of ten months.

Happy Easter!

Litters P and Q are celebrating their first Easter and it’s adorable!❤

”Wait, what’s Easter?”

”I was informed there would be candy.”

”Seriously Mom, do you think you can just place us in this egg thing and we will sit there until you have taken 100000 pictures for the Facebook people? Ha!”

Tamino is taking Easter very, very seriously.

Moving day for Pamina, crying day for Stina

Today is a very special day for us. S*GoodNews Pamina is leaving our home to move in with her new human family! I, Stina, am so happy, because her new family is the best! After meeting with them several times I am 100% sure that they are the perfect match for our girl. And I still feel a little bit sad.

Pamina will be the first kitten, out of the first litter born and raised here at our place, to move out. And even though we are extremely happy with the family that we have chosen for Pamina, it is kind of heartbreaking to see her go. (Agnetha, who has raised many, many kittens, has told us that the first litter is always the hardest one to let go of. She was so right!)

Pamina, we have loved you from the moment you were born. Even as a very small kitten, you had something majestic about you.


We love your energetic spirit and your gentle soul. It has truly been such a previlege to watch you grow, and develop into a beautiful, young Aby lady.

We wish you a long, healthy and happy life with your new family. We know that they will take care of you, and that you will take care of them.  We are so proud of you, our beautiful and beloved Pamina. We will remember you forever. 

Hugs and kisses from your first human mom and dad, Stina and Sebbe.


Available kittens

Tamino, blue male & Papageno, fawn male. Both available.

Papageno enjoying some much needed rest inbetween crazy runs.

Tamino ?

Pamina, ruddy female (not available) & Papagena, ruddy female (available).

Papageno ❤ Papagena. Both available.

Tamino is such a sweet boy. It will be so hard to let him go! ?

The P-litter is such a lovely gang! Super sociable and easy-going. If you are interested in becoming their new human family, please email Stina at stinaronnlund ( at ) gmail.com and tell us a little bit about yourself.  You can write in Swedish or English, which ever you prefer. (The website is in English so that all our international friends can understand this as well ?)

We want the best possible homes for each of the kittens and we will want to meet you in person. You are very welcome to visit us in our home in Skarpnäck, to meet with the kittens in their home environment.

All our kittens are sold according to Sverak rules and will also be neutered before moving to their new homes. ❤

Nours and Mandelas kittens are here!

Yesterday evening, Nour gave birth to her first litter of kittens! Two girls and two boys, all sorrel coloured. Both mom and kittens are doing well so far and, as you can see, Nour is VERY proud of her kittens.  And we are very proud of Nour! She was 100% cool during the delivery and is taking excellent care of the newborns!

This time, human mom Stina made it home in time to welcome ALL of the kittens into the world (yaaaay!) and Agnetha could follow the delivery live on Messenger video.

Proudly presenting first-time mother: IC Abystyle’s Ma Demoiselle JW and her kids!  Father of the litter is IC S*GoodNews Mandela.

This litter will be the GoodNews Q-litter, which means that coming up with names is sort of a challenge. If you have some name suggestions, please drop us a line in the comments, because we simply cannot name them all Quentin… 😉

Happy, happy holidays!

Christmas is finally here! It´s been an intense last few weeks for sure. Nala has been fully occupied with her new kittens, and the rest of the family are just amazed at how fast kittens actually grow.

Human mom Stina couldn’t help it; We HAD to make tiny little Santa hats for the kittens. Needless to say, the result was just Christmas cuteness overload!

Between work, kittens, Christmas preparations AND planning for 2018… ,well let’s just say we’ve been very very busy. But we (Agnetha in Piteå and Stina in Stockholm) want to take this oppurtunity to wish ALL of our friends a very Merry Christmas!

Some special shout-outs are in order, for some of the lovely people who have made 2017 a little extra special:

Tiphaine Favere, Abyssins d’Abystyle: Thank you for our princess, IC Abystyle’s Ma Demoiselle JW. Words are not enough.

Marianne and Lars Seifert-Thorsen, Luna-Tick Abyssinian: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to mate Nala with Kiksen. You are the best, før helvede!

Margit Bøgeskov Thomsen, DK Wimmerhale Abyssinians: As always, thank you for Leia. And for all of your generous and valuable advice on breeding matters through the years, what would we do without you?

Anne Loehr Schambye, DK Kronhede Abyssinians: Thank you for being the best and most lovely company at shows! And thank you for giving GoodNews Mandela’s first litter of kittens the best possible start in life.

Anne Kontula, FI Nebuankhet Cattery : Thank you for one more year of great cooperation. You are the coolest!

Carolyn Osier, US Wil-o-Glen Abyssinians: Thank you for trusting me to buy Pietro! His type, lovely color, fantastic coat and wonderful personality has contributed SO much to GoodNews breeding. We will always be grateful to you for all of his beautiful offspring!

Annika Ericsson, Sigge and Anders: Thank you for taking such excellent care of Mandela and for everything else.

Gunny Blomgren: Thank you for being the best human mom to GIP S*GoodNews Orlando, and thank you for being a great friend and travel companion!

Sebastian Lakatos: Thank you for supporting all of our crazy travelling to shows, helping us book airline tickets, hotels etc. Thank you for not complaining. Thank you for keeping us on the right side of crazy. You are our most valuable supporter! Thank you for cleaning the litter boxes, and for all of the heavy lifting. And for the hugs! And last, but not least: Thank you for being there for Nala when she had her very first experience of giving birth. We love you so much and you are the best cat dad ever.

Harri Saari, FI SweetPurrs: Thank you for all your help with bringing CH S*GoodNews Malala home. We are secretly in love with both you and Benjamin. You are both amazing people and we are so lucky to know you!

Susanna Wallebo, S*CatClaws Abyssinians: Thank you for helping make Nour Junior Winner and for keeping Stina awake during many, many early show mornings!  Thank you for being the best travel companion and a dear friend, and for always being there with support and good advice on everything from cats to fabulous nails! 😉

To ALL of you, and to all of our  other dear friends and family: A very Merry Christmas! We hope to see as many of you as possible during 2018!

Report from the nursery

Kittens are gaining weight nicely, thanks to Nala who seems to have plenty of milk for them. She is such a good mom!

Well-deserved nap. Raising four kids is exhausting!

(Bonus info: The names are from Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Human dad Sebbe is a music teacher, and The Magic Flute is one of his favorite operas. He chose the individual names and is especially happy with naming the blue one Prince Tamino, since blue is the color of royalty.)

Wishing you all a nice and relaxing weekend!

Kittens have arrived! ❤

Yesterday on the 5th of December, Nala gave birth to four beautiful kittens. She went into labour at 5 PM and 10 minutes later the first kitten was born! After another 10 minutes, the second kitten arrived. The third one came at 5:45, and the fourth one at 6:27!

Human mom, Stina, did not make it home in time for the first two births ☹️ but human dad Sebbe did an amazing job calming Nala and welcoming her first kittens into the world! (Agnetha was able to support Sebbe, and see the entire delivery live via Messenger video.)

So far, everything has been going well and Nala has proven to be a wonderful mom ❤ Kittens seem fine, but it is still early days, so let’s hope that they keep eating, sleeping and growing. The first couple of days are always critical and we will keep a very close eye on Nala and her kittens to make sure that everyone is happy and healthy. ?

Introducing, for the very first time: Nala and her first litter of kittens! ? (More pictures and updates on the kittens WILL follow, so watch this space!)

Blue male, fawn male, ruddy girl AND ruddy girl.

Tired but very happy mommy.

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